Making Data Meaningful

Many companies have the tools to show commercial mobile phone coverage. Not many can show the context. At GeoMatrix Solutions we make commercial mobile phone coverage meaningful in order that strategic investments for the future can be data driven.
We’re Changing the Way that People look at Data
Imagine the possibilities of having data driven reports for any attribute. Take a use case for smart bin roll out. Smart bin roll out would assist with refuse collections to ensure that collections are scheduled when demand is high. GeoMatrix Solutions can quickly and confidently report on areas where this is and isn't possible given the requirements of data connections.

We Deliver Exceptional Products and Services
We strive on the challenges associated with big data. Within our models and tools we can make commercial mobile coverage assessments ranging from Roads, Buildings to car parks, bus stops right down to rubbish bins.
In-Building commercial mobile coverage assessments are not only costly but can also be impractical if the requirement is to assess all buildings that reside in local governments or councils. Take a user case for a new building development, using industry techniques and specialist 'actual coverage' data we can quickly assess large areas in totality and provide detailed reports along with Geospatial visuals.

GeoMatrix Solutions work with independent providers of coverage information. Our team of specialists ensure data integrity to ensure that reports and Geospatial maps are accurate for the required assessments.
To enable the vision of autonomous vehicles an understanding how to deliver connected smart roads is of key importance. Using industry standards we can highlight areas that are problematic and suggest cost effective ways to ensure that you are ready for the change. Roads have many use cases including the current demand for infrastructure to support Electric Vehicles. Our tools and systems can play a part to ensure planning and deployment are cost effective and efficient.

WHY GeoMatrix Solutions
Our team are Telecommunications and Data science specialists
Our team has over 25 years in the Telecommunications industry advising in both Public and commercial sectors